Histamine can increase thyroid hormone.
Histamine triggers TRH release, increasing thyroid hormones.The thyroid, in turn, may block histamine degradation and increase sensitivity to histamine, worsening the histadelia.* (Mariano)
* On the other hand, it can reduce mast cells, and decrease histamine release.
The low NE activity, common in histadelia, can increase thyroid hormones.
Norepinephrine (NE) and thyroid have the same precursor, tyrosine. The relation between NE and thyroid can be reciprocal, with elevated thyroid compensating for decreased NE. (Swann,Becker)
Autoimmune thyroid, which may be due histadelia, can initially cause sporadic hyperthyroidism.
See VI.b. Autoimmune thyroid, histadelia and glutathioneNote: Thyroid status can also be largely independent of the histadelia.
For a wider view of thyroid, histadelia, and bipolar disorder, you may want to see my book, Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder
available here.
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