In the last post, I directed you to:
and the rest of her site. And to:
which also talks about the use of amino acid precursors (e.g. tyrosine and tryptophan) for depression.
However, for histadelics, the major focus is not so much on supplying the precursors for serotonin, norepinephrine or dopamine, but on whether these neurotransmitters are being methylated. Intake of tyrosine, tryptophan, etc., may be helpful to some extent, but the key therapeutic target, and generally the most stabilizing treatment for the histadelic bipolar, is on getting these neurotransmitters working properly.
That is, by supporting neurotransmitter methylation with specific nutrients, while avoiding others which are counterproductive for the histadelic (such as folic acid).
I will talk about signs and symptoms, as well as lab tests, in the next post.
For more info til then, you can always see my book: Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder.