Why are pyroluric doses of zinc and vitamin B6 so high?
Pyrolurics regularly excrete large quantities of zinc and B6, and even more when under stress.
So with significant pyroluria, corrective doses may seem relatively massive, but remember that most of the zinc and B6 won't even be used.
Pyroluria, Vitamin B6 and/or P5P
Dr. Bonnet, MD, says:
"Usually pyroluric people require doses between 250 to 1500 mg. Some require up to 2000 mg, and there is an occasional patient that does need more. In the past, we always had to keep a close watch on the dosage, especially watching for a more serious side effect, numbness in the toes...
"With Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P-5-P), the active form of vitamin B6, we have been able to prevent the peripheral neuropathy."
General guidelines from Dr. Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD
B6 and/or P5P increased to the dose at which the patient can remember one dream per night, no more.
In substituting for B6, P5P should generally be given at 1/5 to 1/10 the B6 dose.
Urinary pyrroles
B6: EGOT, red cell P5P
Also consider symptomatic indications.
Some symptoms of deficiency
Depression, poor memory, fatigue, agitation, irritability
Nausea and other digestive symptoms; pallor; immune dysfunction; female hormone imbalance
Of excess
Peripheral neuropathy (numbness, tingling)
For more, see Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder
Pyroluria and zinc
Dr. Woody McGiness, MD, says:
"Very high doses of zinc are needed to normalize the plasma zinc level -- 50 to 200 mg daily...
Probably going to need to take 200 mg or so (build up slowly) before it starts to build your stores, just test with the assay to make sure you're not getting too much."
Pfeiffer's general guideline
Zinc and other relevant nutrients should be increased when anticipating or under stress.
Urinary pyrroles
Plasma or red cell zinc and copper
Liquid zinc taste test
Also consider symptomatic indications.
Some symptoms of deficiency
Stress, anxiety, psychosis, insomnia, irritability, paranoia
White spots, or soft, light nails; acne; weak sense of taste and smell; poor appetite
Frequent infections; joint pain; slow healing of wounds
Of excess
Lethargy, dizziness, mental and physical suppression
Nausea; immune dysfunction; anemia; kidney dysfunction
For more, see Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder
Further considerations in the next entry.
This information should not be used in place of medical diagnosis and treatment. Nutrient choices must be tailored to unique biochemical requirements. The purpose here is solely educational.